Annual Edditions: physical Anthropology 02/03 is one in a series of over seventy-five volumes,each designed to provide conventient,inexpensive access to a wide range of current,magazines,newpapers,…
Buku ini merupakan panduan belajar bagi pengguna yang ingin belajar dan memiliki minat belajar terhadap buku fisika, di dalam buku ini berisi tentang arti dari istilah-istilah teknis dalam fisika, …
The fifth edition of Dynamic Physical Education for Elementary School Children presents a milestone in that the book now has coauthors, Dr. Victor P. dauer and Dr. Robert P. Pangrezi
This book is divided intro four parts. Part I, "Evolutionary Background" pro vides the basic background in genetics and evolutionary theory used thoughout the remainder of the text.