Uraian isi buku ini singkat, jelas dan telah disesuaikan dengan keadaan di Indonesia. Pembahasan tentang pengertian, penilaian, dan pelaporan pos-pos laporan keuangan sepenuhnya mendasarkan pada st…
This book continues to differ from traditional investigation text; it is important to understand these differences as they are again reflect ed troughout this edition.
Maket selalu dipakai dalam proyek properti besar seperti gedung tinggi, perumahan (real-estat), dsb. Kemampuan membuat maket sangat diperlukan bagi mahasiswa Arsitektur dan Teknik Sipil. Buku ini m…
DPD RI Terus bertekad untuk menjadi pelopor terdepan dalam memperjuangkan aspirasi daerah. tak pernah surut untuk mewujudkan kemajuan negeri ini yang dicerminkan dengan kesejahteraan masyarakat sel…
This book is an attempt to tell in short compass the essential story of government in America.
This important new book offers a timely and comprehensive treatment of a subject that central to the continued vitality of American higher education.
This book should be of interest to all those who found the T group book helpful. In general, these were applied social scientist and professionals interested in the educative and reeducative uses o…
This handbook fills a noticeable void in the literature on administration in higher education.