the mcgraw-hill program has been designed to help students attain these goals. it has, however, focused on that aspect of social studies that will appear to be most relevant in the 1980s.
dit leerboek is beknopt gehouden in verband met de korte tijd, die aan gezondheidsleer, in aansluiting aan het onderwijs in dierkunde, gegeven kan worden.
The purpose of the research report is to tell readers the problem investigated, the methods used to solve the problem, the results of the function of the investigator to convice the reader of the v…
Dr Jean Piaget, has researched for over fifty years on how the minds of children develop. He says individuals pass through four stages of cognitive development as they nature.
this book, like most books, represents a personal vision, a personal statement, and a personal prism through which the author views reality. But, because of the peculiar nature of this volume-keye…
Reog adalah salah satu jenis kesenian tradisional yang dikenal berasal dari daerah Ponorogo, Jawa Timur. Dalam penampilannya reog biasanya terdiri dari dhadhak merak (penari bertopeng kepala harima…
Sosiologi adalah ilmu yang mempelajari masyarakat-struktur, proses, perubahan-perubahan yang berlangsung di dalam dan masalah-masalahnya.
The movement of peoples in developing countries has been intensively studied and in recent years the results of these studies have been throughly received.
American Debated is Divided into three parts, each containing four chapters. (There is, in addition, an epilogue on the general subject of police making.)
In this study Gerald R. Jantscher describes the major aids to the maritime industries, examines their rationale, and presents estimates of their cost.