During a period of rapid change it is important to introduce students to the systematic study of education by examining basic ideas, principles, and theoretical frameworks to determine how they can…
The author's in writing this book was to provide the reader with a comprehensive viw of the substance of American politics and government using elementary rational choice theory throughout.
A book written by six authors may confirm the hoary preposition that " too many cooks spoil the broth."
Foreighn policy analysis is many countries frequently comment about the incosistency, unpredictability, dubious rationality, and murky origins of the foreighn policy actions of other nations
This book began as a private odyssey, but ended somewhat to my surprise with a public destination.
In this book, the authors have tried to provide readable text to acquaint atudents with the every day workings of the United States Congress.
The Engineering College Survival Guide provides introductory engineering students with applicable and useful "life strategies" to guide them along their undergraduate education in engineering. Writ…