Salah satu putusan MPR yang perlu disosialisasikan adalah Undang-Undang Dasar Republik Indonesia Tahun 1945.
This book is intended to seve as a text for upper division courses in public finance (or public economics, as it is sometimes alternatively called).
Buku ini merupakan edisi kedua buku "langkah-langkah praktis paket pelayanan kesehatan reproduksi esensial (PKRE) di tingkat pelayanan kesehatan dasar"
The Godkin Lectureship was established at Harvard University in 1903 by friends of Edwin Lawrence Godkin, editor and founder of the Nation.
This study breaks new ground in concentrating on who innovates and how innovation occurs in the city.
Undang-Undang No. 11 tahun 2005 ini, berisi 2 pasal dan 2 ayat, penjelasan dan lampiran kovenan internasional tentang hak Ekosob dalam bahasa Inggris dan terjemahannya dalam bahasa Indonesia.
This book highlights and focuses on the actual problem faced by all of the participansts in the planing, finacing, and construction of health care facilities.