Thoroughly revised and updated, this new edition of the text that helped define the field continues to present important methods in the quantitative analysis of geologic data, while showing student…
Foreighn policy analysis is many countries frequently comment about the incosistency, unpredictability, dubious rationality, and murky origins of the foreighn policy actions of other nations
Edisi kali ini merupakan tanggapan terhadap Accounting Education Change Commision (AECC).
ntroducing Cultural and Media Studies: Sebuah Pendekatan Semiotik menawarkan pengantar ringkas, tajam, langsung, dan mudah digunakan untuk memahami budaya. Secara prinsip, penulisan buku ini dimaks…
Buku ini sepenuhnya telah direvisi dan diperbarui dari edisi sebelumnya. Buku Perangkat Perangkat Pembelajaran (Tools for Teaching) karya Barbara Gross Davis edisi baru ini menyajikan berbagai hal …
The many political changes since 1974 have made a second edition of Energy Politics necessary. The Federal Energy Administration, and the Federal Power Commission no longer exist, having been merge…